Fragility of Life ~ Autumn 2008

This past summer I have been reminded of the fragility of life, and the awareness of just how much each experience possesses its sweetness. This past week we returned from the most exquisite, restful holiday out west, and returned to discover that our beloved dog,...

Spring 2007

Winter has always been my favourite season. I am revitalized by the crisp clear air and the crunch of snow under my feet. While others are hunkering down during a blizzard, I look forward to trekking through the freshly fallen crystalline snow. I even relish the...

Do you know your soul’s rhythm? Autumn 2006

One lesson that we seem to learn over and over again, is that of listening to our own still voice, and honouring it’s wisdom. Often we permit the rationale of ego to navigate our life, pressing always for more organization, more production, more security. This...

Winter 2005

For the past couple years, my life has been “under construction”, both figuratively and literally. In my home, we’ve been renovating the main floor to create a space that would be more conducive to my holistic practice, while honouring the needs of family life. This...

Care of the Caregiver

The Caregiver … the individual who through circumstances or choice, is compelled to assist in the care and needs of another ….. fashions their gifts, with compassion, patience, and willingness….creates a safe and comfortable respite on the journey. But who will...