This message comes from my response to a deep heartache from witnessing the splintering caused from diverse beliefs and perspectives held. I find that the most profound position I can hold is that of compassion and understanding.  I was reminded of one of my Posts from seven years ago. I hope that it resonates with you, whether you’re reading this for the first time, or it’s a re-read.

Some times, in our efforts to be peaceful, positive and in the flow of our life, we become distracted and consumed by the challenges and suffering of the ones we love.  Try as we might, to meditate and pray our way through, we find ourselves swallowed up in the details of managing the perceived crisis.  Before long, the old, unhealed elements of our personality re-emerge.  Although we no longer want this role or persona, we find the pull is like a fierce undertow, spiraling us into the depths of turbulent emotions.  The more we struggle against it, the stronger its hold.  When we surrender our resistance, the emotions well up.  For a time we feel powerless, vulnerable, and very aware of how much fear has been permeating our existence, and how much this fear has determined our actions.

Recently, one morning, in the space between sleep and waking, a clear and simple message was whispered to my Soul:


“Love everything….love your fear… your resistance…. your pain….

love your strength….your courage.  JUST LOVE EVERYTHING.”

Rather than responding from that place of fear, what if we could be with these feelings in a loving way?  We might begin to see everyone involved, including ourselves, as simply playing our roles to perfection.  Knowing this we can relax, resisting the need to change or fix anyone or anything.  We remember that they are also here, discovering their truth and uncovering their light.

Then another message was whispered, in those early hours:


With those words I realized, that sometimes, in our need to care for and heal ourselves, Love is best served from a distance.   When we allow this, we allow Pure Love to be carried through, free of all distortions.

Holding compassion and peace for all my brothers and sisters around the globe.

In Love and Light,
