Here we are in round 3 of another shut down for all non-essential services. While grateful to those souls who continue providing the various services that keep us safe and functioning in these highly unusual times, we’re still left with uncertainty, isolation and fear.
I started to think about the word Essential, which means: absolutely necessary; extremely important. On the practical level, this relates to our basic needs. Then I considered the root of essential, which is essence: meaning intrinsic in nature, or an indispensable quality of something; a property of something without which it would not exist. There is not a single living, breathing soul that exists without essence.
It occurred to me that these continual stay-at-home orders are really summoning us to slow down and just be with the simplicities of life. No matter how busy or necessary your services are, the Universe is asking you to show up for you and your Essential Self.
How difficult is it to allow Essence to merge and be with your human self in these strange times. I certainly know that I’ve done everything to make busy, even on my quietest days. Just recently, at the gracious offering of a friend, I was enjoying the solitude of a lake front cottage to embark on a self-directed vision quest retreat. No distractions. No excuses. And yet, still it was difficult to just let myself Be. Even in my meditation, I seem to have an agenda or goal. The goal to be more peaceful….to uncover hidden truths…to know, with absolute certainty, how I’m meant to serve more fully.
So one night I decided to simply let go and surrender. I surrendered to the rain storm that was crashing waves over the brakewall outside the cottage door, and I said to myself “Are you sure you really want this?” It was a restless night, but I kept on breathing, staying present to the uncomfortable feelings and fears, and saying to Essence, “I’m here. Let me be with you.”
I realized, that instead of chasing after something different or more defined, I was met with appreciating my path so far. I realized that many of my choices and experiences, both grand and small, have engaged my Essence. Each time I showed up with an open heart, to be with a family member, a friend, a client or a stranger, I was serving from my Essence. Each time I received the compassionate presence of a family member, friend, client or stranger, I experienced their Essence. In every moment, when we show up with our full presence, we are showing up with our Essential Self.
So wherever you find yourself, whether it be on the frontline caring for someones healthcare need; whether you’re selling food or other essentials; or whether you’re at home caring for a loved one or yourself, know that you are not alone. Your Essence, your Inner Self is right there with you sharing in the same experience, with awareness, peace and compassion.