winter campfireFor years now I have practiced a Sacred Fire Ceremony for releasing old energy, and creating space for the new.  This ceremony may be done at many different junctures – Winter Solstice, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.  When our children were young, we did this fire ceremony together as part of our New Years festivities.  It added a meaningful and beautiful dimension for us.

Over the years I engage in this ceremony privately, by reflecting on my experiences of the past year.  As a compassionate witness, I consider those moments when I was gifted with a growth opportunity.  Sometimes the experiences were gentle and light.   Other times they brought me to my knees as they stirred up a quagmire of uncomfortable feelings and truths.  But always, they created fertile ground for healing and becoming more real with Self.   In the healing of owning my thoughts and feelings, I’m also able to shift my view of other people involved in the growth opportunities.  I discover compassion, forgiveness and even gratitude for everyone involved.  This awareness causes my heart to expand, creating even more space for understanding and love.

The other part of this ceremony is to set intentions for what I wish to create in the coming year. This list of intentions can include practical, tangible goals as well as intrinsic ones.  As I began preparing my wish list of what I want to cultivate, I became as excited as a child preparing their Christmas list.  My list just went on and on. I realized that my theme was for “More”.

My wish for 2015 is to “BE MORE”.

More alive, more present, more heart-centered.
To be more kind and generous, not just in the material sense, but generous in Spirit.
To give more and also to receive more.
To be more patient and understanding, of self and others.
To be more playful, free to laugh, dance and sing more often.
To be more trusting, and more willing to take chances.
To be more accepting and forgiving, of self and others.
To be stronger and also more gentle and more tender.
To heal more…to evolve more
To be more conscious…more loving… more my true Self.

I can’t imagine it being anything but a magnificent year, if I simply choose to “Be More”.

My wish for you, is that you also experience “More”.